Cross County Road Reactions

1 min readJan 20, 2022

Typical Commute


What about holocaust survivor to the roundabout

Train track trail of tears

Genocide by yield sign

Is your repetitious 60 seconds of despair worth the comparison of half a millenia of subjugation

Your pain, my pain, same same


Damn I can’t even take a joke huh

Slave joke…

Slave joke.

Haha holocaust!

Rolling on the floor laughing.

Enterment camps.

America is soooooo funny.



What happened to me.

Why am I struck?

By some dickhead in traffic who has no idea I exist.

Does he/it/they even…aware

I’m feeling really emotional lately.

Georgia in January…

I feel the sun shining right upon me. Gently toasting my skin.

But beneath my feet I feel the tension of this land. Soil stained the color of blood.

Soil that gives rise to ten dozen roadside trees.

Clustered perfectly parallel to each other as though fufulilling a sacred alliance to the clouds. How many escaped here?

Chest heaving back contouring desperately into the trunk evading violence.

How many never made it this far.

Maybe it's just trees

Just soil


A… joke



So funny.

I hate traffic.

